What REALLY happens when you no-show your appointment?

Ever wonder why your local barbershop or salon has such a strict cancellation policy? I’m here to break that down for you!

As an industry made up of mainly independent contractors, booth renters and self employed folks. There isn’t somebody cutting us a check for cleaning our station or putzing around the shop. We rely on our service income to get paid. Therefore if there is nobody in the chair, there is no money being made. That goes for last minute cancellations or reschedules as well. If someone cancels their appointment and it doesn’t get filled, that's more income lost.

Although many hair professionals do try our best to be understanding regardless of us making a choice to lose income when we are empathetic to an unfortunate event preventing you from making your appointment. We regularly have to deal with folks who don’t understand when it comes to this more sensitive matter and take it very personally and I'm here to tell you it’s almost never a personal decision. We just want to get paid for showing up to work!

If you still have questions I made an example below of just how much 1 no-show appointment a day adds up for us financially.

1 Day: $45 (My rate for a haircut)

1 Week: $225

1 Month: $900

1 Year: $10,800

That adds up QUICKLY!


The difference between a lineup and a haircut.


Team member spotlight: Kain